Monterey County Agricultural Museum – devoted to the history of area rural life
Monterey County Agricultural Museum – Several acres in King City’s San Lorenzo Park showing the history of agriculture and rural life in Central California
Monterey County Agricultural Museum – Several acres in King City’s San Lorenzo Park showing the history of agriculture and rural life in Central California
Morro Bay California – a central coast beach city – is home to Morro Rock, the Gibraltar of the Pacific, a quaint harbor, and wonderful restaurants and hotels.
Central California beach camping spots – descriptions, photos and all the information needed for roughing it on the beach
A listing of central California beach cities, from the posh elegance of Carmel by the Sea, to the relaxed cowboy seaside town of Cayucos, you’re sure to find something here that invites.
Big Sur California – Your guide to California’s most beautiful coastline. Maps, restaurants and lodging.
Big Sur Photos – A place of great beauty no matter which direction you turn. If you’ve been here, this will refresh your memory. If you haven’t – this will whet your appetite to visit.